Oaxaca December 2024 Photography & Birding Trip
Tuesday December 3 - Wednesday December 11
Oaxaca is a state in southern Mexico that is famous for having the largest species list of any state in the country and is also home to a large number of regional endemic species so in terms of bird photography it’s an area with huge possibilities. If the variety wasn’t enough, some of the possible birds include stunners like Red Warbler and Orange-breasted Bunting.
This trip starts in Oaxaca City which allows for easy access to a variety of habitats ranging from dry scrub at around 5000’ of elevation all the way to pine-oak forest at around 9000’. Some of our targets in this area include the fabulous Red Warbler, Boucard’s Wren, Crescent-chested Warbler, Collared Towhee, Ocellated Thrasher and Chestnut-sided Shrike Vireo to name a few.
The mornings are usually cool but temperatures typically increase rapidly as the sun climbs. We will do our best to make the most of the morning bird activity so breakfasts are typically grab and go but we will try to make up for it in the evening with some of the delicious foods of the region.
Our time around Huatulco will be spent looking for species like Golden-cheeked Woodpecker, Orange-breasted Bunting, Red-breasted Chat, Citreoline Trogon and Russet-crowned Motmot. After wrapping things up in Huatulco we will have one more chance to catch any higher elevation species we may have missed as we make our way back to Oaxaca City to catch our flights back home.
This trip has been designed to allow us to move at a relatively slow pace in hopes of allowing participants to have time to make photos of and observe in greater detail nature and wildlife that we encounter during our travels. We will do our best to see as many species as we can but absolute species count is not one of our primary goals. If you are interested in seeing some beautiful birds and scenery at a somewhat relaxed pace this trip is worth considering.
The trip will be limited to a total of four persons including the guide (the guide plus three guests). This is to ensure that participants can have the best possible experience. The cost of the trip is $2775/person for a shared room, if you prefer a private room there will be an additional cost of $525. This price includes all ground transportation in Mexico, guide fees and entrance fees. Participants are responsible for their meals, international airfare and tips.